Elogen, partner of the 1st Student Scientific Convention on hydrogen technologies
On Tuesday 16 April 2024, the closing ceremony of the Student Scientific Convention was held, the first edition of which was devoted to hydrogen technologies and of which Elogen has been a partner since its launch.
The convention, organised by the IESF’s Comité Jeunes Promotions, brought together a representative panel of students at the end of their engineering or university courses to discuss with experts in the hydrogen sector since October 2023.
These discussions led to the official publication of a report containing 28 recommendations on the future use of hydrogen technologies in France. This report was published and submitted to the Minister for Industry and Energy on Tuesday 16 April 2024.
The closing ceremony was held at the Pierre Mendès conference centre in Bercy, where a committee made up of :
– Patricia Blanc, Deputy Director General of ADEME
– Valerie Bouillon-Delporte, Co-President of France Hydrogène
– Abdelilah SLAOUI, Head of the Energy Unit at the CNRS – Centre national de la recherche scientifique, and co-director of the PEPR HYDROGENE project
– Jean-Luc FUGIT, Deputy for the Rhône (11th constituency), and Chairman of the Conseil Supérieur de l’Énergie.
This committee commented on the results of the report, the conclusion of this first edition on hydrogen.
As a partner of the Student Scientific Convention, Elogen would like to warmly congratulate the students on their initiative and their remarkable work. We are proud to support this forward-looking initiative.
To consult the report: csehydrogene.fr